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How To Wipe Out That Midday Brain Fog
Go Land paddling! Land paddling is a fun way to get outside and get a quick, fun energy blast. You get on a big longboard, rather than pushing with your foot, you grab a land paddle and go!
Each stroke takes away your stress, energizes your whole body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. As you stroke across the streets, your mind settles down.
There is something about board riding. When you ride your troubles vanish. Your mind and soul, for an instant, connect with something deep inside of you. Energy that has been zapped from your being starts to fill up as you paddle. You start to feel the movement under your feet, the wind in your face, and the connection between your entire body as you paddle. It’s truly a thing of beauty to ride.
Whether you go out for 2 minutes or 2 miles, when you get back, you are ready to hit the day hard again.
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